The investment of money, time and change in processes that come with a software implementation has a profound impact on any company, making it imperative that the right product and service provider are identified during the selection process.
Learn more about the features found in C2CRM by downloading a free copy of the C2CRM Quick View.
Businesses of all sizes and in all industries are finding it difficult and costly to continue to update and modify enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems after they have been installed. The initial investment to acquire and implement an ERP system is substantial. But even after the system is up and running, the costs continue to mount as the business evolves, requiring the ERP system to evolve as well to keep pace.
This paper is written for contact center executives, managers and decision makers who are evaluating or have chosen the on-demand platform as a viable replacement for premise-based infrastructure. This white paper takes a detailed look at the industry trends, the value proposition for on-demand contact center technology, linkages between functions, key tools, technologies and current agent optimization practices.
This eBook will show you how to implement virtual collaboration tools throughout the life cycle of a project to leverage the benefits of collaboration and partnership.
While definitions of a WMS run the gamut from Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets to well-known best-of-breed applications, an inflexible or legacy WMS may be dragging down your productivity and putting your business at risk.
"The rise of online meeting and collaboration tools has not only enabled workers to meet with colleagues, customers and prospects from virtually anywhere at any time, it has also increased productivity by reducing time wasted traveling to and from meetings. To understand more about this growing trend, download research brief, The Rise of Web Commuting."
Adoption of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) sales model is accelerating at a phenomenal rate in the region, changing the way vendors do business and the way organisations use software. SaaS has been one of the IT industry’s hottest buzzwords over the past couple of years, and for many good reasons. The ease of use, rapid deployment, limited upfront investment in capital and staffing, plus a reduction in software management responsibility all make SaaS a desirable alternative to on-site solutions.
When selecting a call center technology, many factors must be considered. The underlying strength of the technology is crucial. But the most important element is to select a solution that is in tune with the focus of the business: both short-term and long-term goals must be taken into consideration.
Right now and for the foreseeable future, corporations are and will continue to be deeply concerned about the overall economy and their profits. Throw on top of that possible changes to corporate tax liability and the picture gets murkier. With this uncertain environment, business leaders require greater accountability and transparency of their marketing and sales teams.