Learn to enhance customer service and boost results by anticipating and acting on customer needs and preferences through 5 basic tips.
Learn how to deliver on the expectations of the mobile, multichannel customer requires companies to predict customer demand and manage agent resources more effectively through 5 basic tips.
The call center often acts as the primary interaction point between your customer and your company. Your call center agents, who manage these interactions, are the backbone of your contact center. As such, it is imperative that you manage the performance of your call center agents to drive optimal success.
Your agents are at the heart of your call center operations, driving customer interactions that can lead to increased retention and revenue. Without a clear strategy to support and train the agent base, your call center risks high agent attrition rates, leading to higher costs, lower performance, and poor customer service.
The contact center serves as the primary interaction point between you and your customers. To drive success, you must be able to deliver the optimal customer experience. Learn what steps to take to build an effective contact center that will enable you to consistently deliver excellent customer service.
The last thing any business wants is customers calling back repeatedly, growing more frustrated each time, just to get a seemingly simple issue resolved. Improving first call resolution is one of the most important aspects of call center operations, and it’s definitely something that all your agents need to be trained in to ensure consistent results.
Markets today are saturated with competitors operating in the delivery of commodity products, and companies seeking to differentiate themselves are leveraging best in class call center capabilities. This approach does not come without considerable cost, however, and to offset the budget crunch, a number of providers are moving to the cloud.
In response to this overwhelming demand to do more with less, one of the most common solutions to "cheaper" has been to cut labor costs through labor arbitrage or multi-sourcing.
For years, companies have talked about the importance of the customer and what it means for the organization; but without actions to support the words, such campaigns mean very little.
This whitepaper presents the results of the TCO analysis for twelve (12) contact center configurations. Total cost of ownership is a valuable way to compare contact center acquisition/deployment alternatives. However, it should be viewed as one element in a comprehensive decision process.