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So Why Do We Buy Stuff?

So Why Do We Buy Stuff?

By Dr. Emily R. Coleman | Jul 29 2013

As marketing people, we spend a good deal of our time trying to find the most appealing way to describe our value proposition. We develop strategies and tactics to exploit what we see as opportunities in… Read More 

How HRIS Software Can Be Beneficial

How HRIS Software Can Be Beneficial

By Dave Rietsema | Jul 29 2013

HRIS management software is used by businesses to reduce the human resources department's work load through the automation of jobs like employee training, performance reviews, calculation of benefits and payroll preparation. Read More 

3 Ways MDM Must Evolve to Escape Its Inevitable Demise

3 Ways MDM Must Evolve to Escape Its Inevitable Demise

By Kristin Crosier | Jul 26 2013

Bringing your own device to work may well become the new norm in the business world, but what about the software solutions that have sprung up to help companies manage BYOD in the workplace? MDM,… Read More 

The Importance of Failing Productively

The Importance of Failing Productively

By Alison Meier | Jul 25 2013

As project managers, we continuously need to look for better ways of optimizing how we work. As society increasingly expects all projects to succeed, professionals must rethink the tactics and software used to best achieve… Read More 

Advancing Your Analytics + Business Intelligence

Advancing Your Analytics + Business Intelligence

By Steve Parker, Jr. | Jul 24 2013

Most companies are now aware that analytics implementation on their websites is a good idea. But there are varying degrees of analytics that perhaps you have not considered yet. Optimize your company's use of big… Read More 

Do Poor Sales Figures Alone Tell the Whole Story About Who to Fire?

Do Poor Sales Figures Alone Tell the Whole Story About Who to Fire?

By Michael Harris | Jul 23 2013

The results are in, and it’s time to fire 15 percent of your sales team. But do the numbers tell the whole story? Many factors can contribute to the success or failure of your salespeople.… Read More 

Juju: Deploy, Integrate and Scale Services Instantly on Multiple Clouds

Juju: Deploy, Integrate and Scale Services Instantly on Multiple Clouds

By Maarten Ectors | Jul 22 2013

Juju is a second-generation solution that promises to deploy, integrate and scale instantly on all major public and private cloud. Read More 

Taming the Wild West: 3 Steps to a Better Financial Accrual Process

Taming the Wild West: 3 Steps to a Better Financial Accrual Process

By Jon Brier | Jul 22 2013

Even the slightest mistake in the financial accrual process can impact your bottom line. With the right software, you can eliminate many of these problems. Read More 

How Do You Price Your Cloud Service? Subscription, Consumption, Other Model?

How Do You Price Your Cloud Service? Subscription, Consumption, Other Model?

By Esmeralda Swartz | Jul 18 2013

The cloud hosting market has plenty of opportunity for providers to differentiate offerings or for completely new providers to enter the market and compete. However, unseating the cloud market leaders will not come from selling… Read More 

How to Add Stories to Your Presentations

How to Add Stories to Your Presentations

By Michael Harris | Jul 18 2013

Only 10 percent of salespeople are able to trade in pitches for business conversations. Here are 7 ways to turn a bland pitch into a Buying Simulator. So how does that help the other 90… Read More