Power your sales enablement engine with our through-partner marketing automation solution. Watch the video to see how it works!
Improve your customer service experience with these unique capabilities
Customer service agents are literally the heartbeat of a customer service organization. See how the KANA Enterprise Agent Experience makes the agent's job so much easier and their service levels substantially better. The KANA Enterprise Agent Desktop provides a fully integrated experience with deep awareness of the context of each customer interaction. Agents always have the right information right when they need it.
The key to positive Web self-service is personalization. See how the KANA Enterprise Web Experience is a win-win for companies and customers. It combines knowledge management, case management and process management to meet customers' insatiable demands for doing more online while helping you drive down the overall cost of great customer service. Context makes it personal. Consistency makes it effective. You make it a positive experience.
Make every customer service agent your best agent. With KANA Express Agent Experience you can integrate all service channels into a single agent desktop, making it easy to navigate customer contacts received via phone, email, chat, letter and in person.
Offering customers a good web self service experience is critical to any organization's customer service strategy. KANA Express Web Experience allows customers to easily resolve their own queries whether they are shopping, looking for information or seeking assistance.