Mobile Business Apps
Mobile Business Apps: Savi People App Gets a Huge Update

We reviewed the Savi People app not too long ago, and in the meantime, it’s gone through a pretty big update. To recap, the Savi People app is a contacts management app for the iPhone which brings together all the disparate pieces of your contacts’ information into one easy to use package. Just sign into your social networks and search for profile matches in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and now Instagram, in order to get your contacts’ information all gathered into one entry in the Savi People app.
Savi People App Updates
As far as the interface goes, the ease of use is still there, and the app itself feels snappier and faster overall. Initially, I recommended not trying to view your contact’s social profiles through the Savi People app because of slow load times, but it seems much faster now and uses the mobile app interfaces of each network, making it easier to view someone’s social profile. Also, if you don’t have someone in your contacts already, then instead of seeing a mostly empty contact card, it takes you to that person’s social profile instead.
The new update also solved an issue where my Unified Contacts were being split into separate entries within the Savi People app, but that is now a thing of the past. Additionally, if a contact’s name was slightly different in your phone than it is on their social networks, then Savi People couldn’t link them automatically. The linking works much better now, though now I’m noticing that you can’t link contact profiles from two different social networks unless they’re in your phone as well. I’m not sure if that’s something that most other people encounter, but I am “friends” with people on Facebook or follow them on Twitter, but don’t keep their contact information in my phone.
Now Including Instagram
It’s kind of cool that Instagram is now included, but at the same time it doesn’t seem wholly necessary. Instagram is all about photo sharing, but you want to use Savi People to communicate with your contacts. It feels like Mobile Life thought that they needed to include Instagram, but the functionality of the Savi People app is not really conducive to integrating a photo sharing community. If the addition of Instagram is just the first step in some other plans that they have down the road, then it’ll be interesting to see what’s next.
The app definitely benefited from all the updates that Mobile Life Studio made, and I can see it getting even better in the future. Right now, the app is available at a discounted price of $0.99, so if you want to try it out, now is the time!
See our previous Savi People app review for more information, or check out more handy mobile business tools in our product directory.