Product is available in multiple plans:
Platform is a SaaS solution and requires no additional hardware for installation.
Vendor works with nonprofits, foundations and charitable trusts of all sizes.
BMW, Volvo, Johnson & Johnson, L’oreal, Orange
Optimy is grant management and sponsorship management software that assists sponsorship, partnership, CSR, grants and community investment professionals improve performance across the entire project lifecycle. The platform is equipped with request management tools designed to streamline the flow of incoming requests through customizable forms and ensures users communication through systematic and personalized responses.
The software provides users with intuitive project management and collaboration dashboards, as well as assessment processes that automatically score incoming requests and projects based on user-specific KPIs. Additionally, the platform is equipped with audit and compliance processes designed to enable a central team to follow all on-going activities at group level.
Optimy was founded in 2011.