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Platform is a SaaS solution and requires no additional hardware for installation.
Vendor works with businesses of all sizes and across multiple industries. The product is designed to work within a corporate system.
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Noplag@CO is content management and collaboration software that assists businesses with identification of plagiarized material. The platform allows users to create, assign and manage tasks, perform both single and multiple document checks and is designed to perform plagiarism checks for multiple file types including doc, docx, rtf, txt, odt, html and pdf.
The software provides businesses with tools to add, remove and manage multiple user permissions, create and manage a company-specific document and file library to be used in future plagiarism checks, and provides high-quality plagiarism analysis reports after checking against multiple sources including the web, public and private repositories, publications and Noplag’s docutment and file library. Additionally, the platform is designed to exclude citations and references from completed plagiarism reports, as well as create statistics concerning key metrics such as average plagiarism occurrences.
Noplag was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Long Island, New York.