Product is available in multiple plans, contact vendor directly for pricing details.
Product is a SaaS solution and requires no additional hardware for installation.
Vendor works with large enterprises.
Contact vendor directly for case studies.
LatitudeLearning is learning management software enables users to manage training across multiple locations, delivers performance metrics, and is designed to be tailored to match user- or company-specific workflows or operation processes. The platform supports elearning processes, instructor-led training sessions, and self-study courses, facilitates organization through position codes and code groups, and allows users to assign roles and profiles to people within the system.
The software enables users to create and manage course catalogs including course topics and series, build and maintain skill profiles, and distribute course certifications. Additionally, the platform enables users to create custom web pages, utilize HTML widgets, and implement company branding ideas across all learner-facing interfaces.
LatitudeLearning was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Saline, Michigan.