CloudCompute can be deployed at a CSC Trusted Cloud Data Center as a public or a private cloud. Alternatively, CloudCompute can be deployed as a private cloud on-premise or at a facility of the customer’s choosing.
CSC CloudCompute can be deployed by companies of all sizes.
Golden State Foods, Educational Testing Service
Golden State Foods, Educational Testing Service
All CloudCompute deployment options are billed as a service with no up-front capital investment required.
CSC CloudCompute, a VMware vCloud Datacenter Service, provides on-demand network access to a variety of compute, storage, and network resources. It is designed to support production workloads and mission-critical applications. CloudCompute combines leading technologies from VMware, VCE, Cisco and EMC with CSC Trusted Cloud Data Centers and CSC managed services to provide a high-availability cloud hosting infrastructure. This infrastructure allows customers to transform their traditional environments into a cloud environment.
About Computer Sciences Corp
The mission of CSC is to be a global leader in providing technology-enabled business solutions and services. With the broadest range of capabilities, CSC offers clients the solutions they need to manage complexity, focus on core businesses, collaborate with partners and clients, and improve operations. CSC makes a special point of understanding its clients and provides experts with real-world experience to work with them. CSC is vendor-independent, delivering solutions that best meet each client’s unique requirements.