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Product is delivered as an on-premise solution.
Vendor works with businesses of all sizes operating in a variety of industries.
Berner Food & Beverage, BioConvergence LLC, Dicar, Freeport LNG, Hammond Group
Aptean Ross Business Process Management solution can help businesses improve productivity by automating basic business decisions and workflows. By automating just 20% of business processes, businesses can typically reap 60-80% of the benefits of BPM.
For many organizations, these benefits can be reached through automating processes such as invoice and receivables processing. Ross Business Process Management does more than simply migrating the user’s existing workflow into a computer system. With Ross Business Process Management, organizations can gain the ability to automate repetitive, tedious processes, allowing them to use more time and resources towards tasks that will grow their businesses.
Aptean was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia.