Best Practices
Along with selecting the right CRM software package to fit your environment, you also must be able to properly implement the solution to ensure you can accomplish your business goals. ...
Online learning, like all communication technologies, is generally delivered in two different environments - asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous learning environments are one-way systems which do not allow for real-time collaboration ...
Avaya’s existence as a standalone company began October. 2, 2000, when it was spun off from Lucent Technologies and began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ...
There are many different types of helpdesk products. Some are as simple as initial client support, but you can also customize almost any service to meet your needs. Incident management, ...
Best Practices to Ensure Software Development Success
One of the primary benefits of an application lifecycle management (ALM) software system is its ability to empower development-intensive companies to implement and enforce ...
Effective decision making requires the availability of up-to-date information at the right time for the right person. Information drives CRM and enables businesses to understand the needs and preferences of ...
Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that make its promise of “Business Made Simple” a reality for its customers. Nortel’s next-generation technologies, for both service provider and ...
So, what are you doing to get some virtual footfalls into your online store or some eyeballs for your website? If you can harness the internet correctly and market the ...
Deep Visitor Insights
One of the most innovative, though somewhat controversial, techniques of landing page optimization is behavioral targeting. Simple Web technologies such as "cookies" allow Webmasters to track the behavior ...
Consolidate, Streamline and Automate Your Financial Processes
The need for financial management software continues to grow at a rapid pace. Corporate globalization, mergers and acquisitions, and business diversification are on the ...