Who Can Benefit from Virtual Training Software?
Who Can Benefit From Virtual Training Software
There are many people who can benefit from virtual training software, everyone from the corporate trainer to the educational instructor to the help desk professional. In fact, wherever there is a need for training, there is a need for virtual training software. The following are examples of the types of people (and typical use case scenarios) that would benefit from virtual training software.
- Corporate instructors/trainers
- HR training
- Employee product training
- Sales training
- Sales managers and executives looking to certify sales people/engineers and/or train a remote sales force
- Product management professionals who want to train customers or partners
- Channel sales or marketing managers starting a partner certification program
- Educational institutions who want to create a more engaging learning experience for students
- Government agencies seeking greater efficiency in state-sponsored training programs
- Non-profit corporations who need a secure, reliable and robust tool for delivering key policy or sensitivity training
- Customer experience managers/executives who want to increase loyalty and retention by holding effective best practices webinars for customers
- Help desk professionals who want to go beyond mere issue troubleshooting to hands-on, spontaneous training for customers
- Executives who want to roll out green initiatives and reduce environmental impact through virtual training sessions and web events