SiteTuners Landing Page Optimization Review
SiteTuners was launched in 2004 as a division of Epic Sky, Inc. Epic Sky runs large-scale pay-per-click (PPC) traffic acquisition campaigns for dozens of clients, and is also a “super affiliate” that drives PPC traffic on a performance basis. Many of Epic Sky’s clients and affiliate merchants received excellent targeted traffic, but knew that they could make even higher profits if their website converted more efficiently.
SiteTuners was created to fill this need. Over the last four years the division has grown to become the driving force behind the parent company. The company’s services combine sophisticated proprietary technology, extensive testing expertise, and a choice of payment models to deliver results.
Tim Ash is the President and CEO of SiteTuners and its parent company Epic Sky. He is the author of e-commerce bestseller Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide To Testing and Tuning for Conversions.
SiteTuners Key Strengths
- offers a full range of services for running conversion tuning tests. They can advise you on how to increase landing page conversion rates, help prepare your test plan, conduct a full-service conversion tuning engagement, or simply license
the company’s non-parametric TuningEngine technology so you can run much larger tests on your own.
- With SiteTuners working for you, they will decide what to test, select the right optimization method, develop required graphics, implement site changes, monitor data collection, and analyze the results. SiteTuner’s engagements are designed to be very low-impact on your marketing, web design, and IT staff. They handle everything.
- PriceTuning is SiteTuner’s proprietary process for determining the profit-optimal price for your product or service. Most pricing tests only spot-check a few prices to see which one is the best among them. PriceTuning actually creates a model of your profits as a function of price, and determines the exact point at which your profits are maximized.
- “SiteTuners was able to improve our conversion rate by a stunning 40%! I would highly recommend working with SiteTuners to any company interested in increasing their website conversion rates. This engagement dramatically improved the economics of our business overnight.” — Charlie Silver – CEO,