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Micromanaging Customer Accounts in QuickBooks

A number of companies, especially growing firms, find it difficult to maintain accurate information on customer accounts and retrieve that information quickly and easily in order to manage the account. While more complex software can accomplish a number of different and advanced tasks, it makes management harder on the average user. With QuickBooks, customer accounts are easy to manage because the database in which the information is stored is easy to search and use.

QuickBooks Puts Customer Accounts in Reach

Is your business growing so quickly that you are finding great difficulty keeping up with new customers that need to be added to a separate database? Do you also find that sorting tools you’ve used to keep all customers straight have failed miserably and made it difficult to retrieve information at a moment’s notice? QuickBooks customer accounts are always simple to retrieve, meaning you can accept a phone call from a client and pull up his or her information in no time flat.

You can enter a number of different pieces of information as search criteria, including customer names and inventory descriptions and receive a return list of items matching your search. Better yet, you can use a Google Desktop tool to search for a customer, vendor, or financial information that is saved in the database. Such ease of use makes it possible to micromanage QuickBooks customer accounts, turning these accounts over to employees and knowing that they can access and use files as necessary with no trouble.

Does an employee need to trace an invoice for a particular customer? Simply perform your search and click on a link that will go directly to the invoice you seek, pulling it from either your database or even your desktop, if this is where you have saved it.

Even micromanage the QuickBooks customer accounts by allowing access to the data from remote locations. You can let your employees tap into the database from a remote location with a password-protected account by interfacing with Microsoft Windows Terminal Services. Once logged in, your employees will be able to access any of the data they need to manage the QuickBooks customer accounts assigned to them.

The reason that this particular account management software is so easy to use is that it is based on an SQL database, which is a powerful industry standard and can be shaped to perform to desired standards by particular businesses. It is a state-of-the-art scalable database network so you can add new users as you need. It is a relational database with client-server technology. Because of the way it’s set up, it is usable in multi-user mode and can access the company file from several locations at once. You will also find that there is no need to understand how SQL works and there is no complex database installation.

Best of all, the QuickBooks customer accounts are more easily managed with the ability to search all fields and create custom fields that match up to your business needs.