Hosted CRM solutions are rapidly gaining in adoption as companies of all sizes are recognizing the power and benefit of implementing a solution that does not require significant upfront investments. Companies such as yours can quickly benefit from a solution that delivers benefits without demanding that you purchase substantial hardware and expand your data center.
Enhanced customer intelligence will be the key to developing solutions and services that will immediately appeal to the customer base. As the competition in your market continues to intensify, solutions such as those delivered in hosted CRM packages can ensure you meet the customer demands demonstrated by your base and your prospects. As a result, you will be able to effectively drive overall satisfaction and loyalty.
Just think about what your performance numbers would be if you could gain insight into customer perceptions, reactions and social networking habits. This insight is right at your fingertips and with hosted CRM, you don’t have to allocate your entire budget to get it. Instead, simply use what you need, when you need it and the hosted CRM solution will deliver the value you need at a cost you can afford.
Hosted CRM solutions allow companies to access their CRM data from anywhere and at anytime. All the user needs to access the CRM is an Internet connection and a browser. Many CRM vendors are developing hosted CRM solutions to stay competitive with newer CRM vendors.
Security and downtime are the main reasons why companies shy away from adopting a hosted solution. Vendors have gone to great lengths to ensure that a company’s CRM data is stored safely. Vendors continue to improve their security measures to make sure that data is always safe. Many of the larger hosted CRM providers are able to promise over 95% up-time. There will be times where schedule maintenance will force a period of down time.
Beyond the customer insight you can expect from hosted CRM solutions, there are a number of key features that are likely to be a priority in the near future. Hosted CRM providers are already introducing tools that integrate social media functionality into future interactions. This platform could also be used to run intelligent devices to enable companies to develop solutions and services that appeal to the current customer base, as well as prospects identified through intelligent processes. When such solutions are right-fitted to your environments, revenues and profits are sure to follow.