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Enterprise CEM Solutions Turn Your Clients into Champions Using Multiple Channels

You might think of enterprise CEM solutions as the total package for retaining customers, encompassing your CRM (customer relationship management) tools. While CRM tools might help you refine your speed for processing requests and streamline efforts across departments, some enterprise CEM solutions can fine-tune what the customer is truly desiring and expecting.

Enterprise CEM Solutions Can Help Your Business Flow
The strategy behind enterprise CEM solutions means you can center your business flow around the specific needs of your customer. Sound complex? It can be. A commitment from your top management will be needed, as well as specific integration of technology, a possible revamp of your business model and a new look at your brand management tactics.

Achieving this shift so that you can arrive at an enterprise-level customer experience may require you to explore some enterprise CEM solutions. Customer contacts across various channels will need to be a focus – such as the call center, the Internet fulfillment site, the customer service agent, and email options. Even the way orders are processed and customers are billed can be part of your enterprise CEM solution.

Remember, your success in critical business areas – such as retention of customers, profit margins, level of satisfied customers and market share – is directly connected to the overall customer experience. You may even be able to invest less in marketing if your customer experience is top-notch. Your satisfied customers can perform some powerful marketing for you, especially if you are deploying an enterprise CEM solution.

Enterprise CEM Solutions can get Social
Enterprise CEM solution providers you may want to explore include nGenera (renamed to Moxie Software) and ResponseTek. One nGenera tool, Collaboration Platform 3.0, can mesh with other third-party level resources like Twitter or Facebook, as well as LinkedIn. Enterprise collaboration is another area Moxie Software boasts about. Spaces by Moxie integrates with Microsoft’s SharePoint, so you can do things like write an informational article and send it out to your customers using social media tools, while simultaneously accessing document sharing capabilities across your entire workforce. With nGenera, and others, you can reach out and touch your customer on various social media platforms, and turn them into champions for your product.

ResponseTek:CEM is another option that demonstrates some of the basics of enterprise CEM solutions. The Listening Post can give you multiple ways for your customer to talk to you about their experience, including web, email, IVR and even retail touchpoints. The software can help you manage each transaction, including the point of purchase, the delivery or installation, and any technical support and billing contacts. Basically, every phase of your customer experience is managed, from branding to sales to service calls and even product renewals. The result is that you can report on and analyze both positive and negative customer experiences, right as they are taking place.

It’s no secret that businesses that have put more energy and resources into customer experience management have enjoyed more referrals and better rates of satisfied customers. With enterprise CEM solutions, you can be among them.