An application lifecycle management software package offers many dramatic benefits to all development-intensive businesses, such as those that design, build, and sell software to customers and other third-parties, or companies that assign in-house IT teams to develop proprietary software for internal use by employees.
With application lifecycle management software in place, organizations like these can boost productivity, cost-efficiency, and quality, enabling them to better address customer needs, leverage innovative technologies that support new or unique internal business initiatives, or achieve other important objectives.
Some of the specific advantages that can be gained through the utilization of an application lifecycle management software package include:
With application lifecycle management software, engineering, development, and quality assurance teams are far more productive, delivering output faster than ever before. This increase in efficiency is accomplished through the creation and enforcement of standards and best practices across all related processes, as well as through more accurate and precise allocation of both human and technology resources.
Software development often requires involvement from disparate groups with different skills, as well as conflicting goals and priorities. Application lifecycle management software brings together the various teams that participate in the software development process, including personnel in engineering, IT, and QA departments, by facilitating instant communication and information-sharing among all key stakeholders. So, everyone has complete and timely insight into plans, requirements, changes, task status, and other vital project information at all times.
Project management, resource planning, integration, and other critical development functions are fully automated, streamlined, and simplified with an application lifecycle management software package. As a result, software can be designed, delivered, and deployed in a more rapid fashion, so customers or internal users can get up and running as quickly as possible.
Because they allow companies to quickly and efficiently design and build new software applications or enhance existing ones, application lifecycle management software systems offer the agility and flexibility needed to instantly respond to changing customer requirements, or emerging business needs, as they occur.
Application lifecycle management software provides the mechanisms needed to clearly define all requirements and specifications and implement and enforce quality assurance guidelines. As a result, companies can ensure that the software they design and develop effectively satisfies all end user needs and is built in accordance with the highest quality standards.
An application lifecycle management software package fully synchronizes the application and its design. As a result, the time, effort, and costs associated with ongoing administration is kept to an absolute minimum.
With an application lifecycle management software system in place, companies can maximize their investment in employees, technologies, and other resources. Application lifecycle management software ensures that resource skills or capabilities are accurately matched to the requirements of each particular task, activity, or phase in the development lifecycle. This, in turn, helps eliminate waste, increase efficiency, and reduce development-related costs.