Why Content Management Improves the Management and Value of Digital Information.
Companies of all sizes, across all industries, are struggling to make sense of the various types of content they generate during the course of their routine, day-to-day business activities. But, they all know that the ability to properly harness and leverage that information is vital to their success. That’s why, according to leading industry analyst firm IDC, the number of companies buying and implementing content management solutions is increasing at a rapid pace, with revenues rising sharply from $2.7 billion in 2003 to $3.8 billion in 2007.
Why does YOUR company need a content management system?
Improved Accessibility
Information is one of the greatest weapons a company has in its competitive arsenal. Yet, in many businesses, vital content exists in silos, such as spreadsheets maintained on user desktops, or documents that reside on departmental servers. This fragmentation prevents employees from retrieving those files, and utilizing them to more effectively perform their jobs.
Content management systems logically organize and centralize all important company information, and make it readily available to any authorized user. So, employees can instantly locate, access, and leverage content whenever they need it.
Greater Accuracy and Timeliness
Every day, employees rely on information to make informed decisions that will impact both individual performance, and the performance of the company as a whole. But, if that information is inconsistent, incorrect, or out of date, the effect of those decisions could be negative instead of positive.
With a content management system, companies can leverage version control, update tracking, and other powerful features and capabilities to ensure that the information employees are accessing – and using to support their day-to-day business tasks – is as accurate and timely as possible.
Enhanced Security
A large percentage of corporate information is highly sensitive – financial reports, customer research, product plans, and more. Yet, when content is scattered in disparate sources across a company, it is difficult to maintain control over who views, alters, and shares it.
Content management systems include advanced security mechanisms that ensure only authorized access to confidential files. Users can see only the information they are allowed to see, preserving the integrity and security of private information at all times.
Increased Collaboration
Content management systems make it easier for members of a company to effectively and rapidly collaborate on the document generation and administration process.
Fully automated workflows provide all key stakeholders with complete visibility into all phases of the document lifecycle – drafting, review and editing, approvals, updates, and distribution, while end-to-end tracking allows employees to monitor the status of content in progress.
Reduced Costs
Hard copy files waste a tremendous amount of paper and require the purchase of costly cabinets and storage units. Additionally, they take up valuable – and expensive – real estate that could be used for other purposes. And, most importantly, inaccurate, outdated information could result in “opportunity costs” – lost revenues due to poor business choices. With a content management system, companies can eliminate these drains on financial resources by digitizing their hard copy files, and managing all their information assets in a more cost-efficient and affordable fashion.