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– DNA-Agile DNAerp Review

Product Snapshot



Customer Focus

DNA-Agile works with medium-sized and enterprise companies in the field of engineering.

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About DNA-Agile DNAerp

- DNA-Agile DNAerp DNA-Agile DNAerp is engineering manufacturer ERP that streamlines company production processes. It will support you throughout the entire production lifecycle: through prototyping, concessions, tooling, production orders, maintenance, repair, and overhaul. The program is flexible, allowing you to customize its features to meet your company-specific or industry-specific needs.

About DNA-Agile
Since 1998, DNA-Agile has been developing planning and controlling software for engineering companies. The company staffs and works with engineers to ensure that the software is tailor-made for engineers. DNA-Agile has offices in USA, Poland, China, India, UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Australia.

DNA-Agile DNAerp Key Features

  • Advanced engineering manufacturer ERP
  • Conforms to ISO 9000 standards
  • Supports you through the entire production process: prototypes, concessions, tooling, product orders, maintenance, repair, and overhaul
  • Supports machining, fabrication, assembly, coating, and heat treatment commodities and processes
  • Customizable and lean to meet your needs

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