Product is available in multiple plans – contact vendor directly for pricing details.
Product is a SaaS solution and requires no additional hardware for installation.
Vendor works with small and midsize companies.
Alquity, Lambert Smith Hampton, SI Capital, Vendelbo Cykler, IFS SmartFreight
webCRM is CRM software that assists sales teams with practical day-to-day tasks by tracking tasks, facilitating follow-up processes, and creates call lists and segmented email broadcasts. The platform is built with a home screen that gathers each user’s daily tasks and reminders, maintains an activity log of all performed activities and customer statuses, and synchronizes activities with any related data like emails or documents.
The software enables users to send targeted emails and newsletters, design PDF and email templates that include merge fields, and import customer data from Excel files. Additionally, the platform facilitates communication with customers directly from the system, create and customize fields to meet user- and company-specific workflows and processes, and is equipped with tools designed to predict sales and tack projected budget targets.
webCRM is headquartered in Verum, Denmark.