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Product is available as a SaaS solution that requires no additional hardware.
Vendor works with enterprise companies across a variety of fields, including manufacturing and high technology, life sciences, insurance, financial services and communications.
Turkiye Bankasi, The State of Maine, Coca-Cola, Xerox
Pega BPM uses business rules and analytics to generate business solutions and to drive the user’s company’s efficiency in end-to-end processes. The software automates complex work processes, adapts to customer and market trends and changes in real-time, and provides real-time progress and alerts for company initiatives. All of these features and data are displayed across dashboards, visual metaphors, and easy-to-understand models.
The software can be accessed from any platform or channel and is scalable. Users can standardize business processes across global enterprises while providing for governed variations to optimize business applications in each business unit, geography and legal jurisdiction.
Pegasystems was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.