Contact vendor directly for pricing information.
Product is available as an on-premise solution that provides support for hardware implementation.
Vendor works with hospitals and health systems, medical administrators and physicians.
Dr. Ramon Acosta, Alpine Summit, Dr. William Brown, Dr. Minh Canh Do, Dr. Antonio Sotomayor
VersaForm EHR is electronic health record software designed to provides clinicians, staffers, physicians, assistants, nurses and administrative team members with a comprehensive, end-to-end tool set. The platform is designed with a patient-centered computer model built to support all of the user’s workflows such as registering patients, managing appointments, maintaining diagnosis and treatment records, billing processes and generating reports.
The software provides users with a physicians dashboard designed to manage all patient data, notes, and labs, lists appointments, displays messages, and manages documents for review or signatures. Additionally, the platform is equipped with a practice note creation tool with user-modifiable templates, collates patient demographic information and HIPAA consent forms, and automatically checks patient insurance eligibility.
VersaForm Systems Corp is headquartered in Campbell, California.