Oracle Sales Prospector – Social CRM?

From, June 11, 2008

Sales Prospector, an on-demand sales collaboration tool from Oracle, is the latest of a number of social CRM applications Oracle has been demonstrating at events like OpenWorld and Collaborate.

“While CRM applications have traditionally been designed for management and reporting, the new applications will serve the sales end user, said Mark Woollen, vice president of CRM product strategy at Oracle. That requires a shift in the historical approach of Oracle.

Industry analytsts are asking if Oracle a traditional “top down” enterprise application company can shift to a “bottom up” technology.  

“They’re trying to change,” said Sheryl Kingstone, director of customer-centric strategies for Boston-based Yankee Group. “Oracle has in the past been one of those behemoths. Now they own so much of the market they’re trying to reinvigorate. They’ve really bought into the Web.”

Can Oracle be Social with CRM? >>>

[Photo courtesy of Oracle.]

John Harrison: