Innovative CMS Platforms to Transform your Site for Mobile Users

So you’ve found a CMS that works for you and designed a site that looks amazing- but when you pull it up to show off your hard work on your iPhone, it’s another story- that wide, open layout that looked great on your desktop monitor doesn’t come close to fitting on your screen. Given that about 7% percent of browsing was mobile browsing in 2012, this could be a problem; a recent study showed that 76% of mobile users will wait 5 seconds or less for a mobile site to load before abandoning it- and possibly going to a competitors site.  Mobile browsing is rapidly becoming the standard for many Internet users, so while making sure your site is mobile-optimized is a great perk now, in coming years it will most likely be a necessity. Luckily, the CMS industry is rising to the challenge with mobile CMS tools designed to help you create a mobile-friendly site that looks and functions better on mobile devices. Here are some cutting edge trends- and the vendors that are bringing them to the masses- to keep an eye on in 2013 can take your mobile site from “What?” to “Wow!”

 Responsive Design : Refinery CMS and Sitefinity

Responsive design solves the problem of addressing the unique constraints of different devices by sidestepping the problem altogether. The site detects and adjusts to the screen size and orientation automatically, so whether they’re browsing from their smartphone, tablet, or desktop monitor, your customers will enjoy perfectly formatted design. One of the biggest benefits of responsive design for web designers is continuity; you only need to create your site once for users across all devices. This helps in preserving the quality and content of your brand faster and more easily than having to manage a different layout for each device-type. This cutting-edge approach to site design is popping up in a variety of mobile CMS providers. While we recommend Sitefinity as the all-around best responsive mobile CMS solution,  if you’re looking for an affordable but powerful platform for responsive design, we suggest you check out Refinery CMS.

Geospatial CMS: Cartaro

Geospatial content management tools capitalize on the mobile aspect of mobile browsing. As devices get faster, lighter, and have longer battery lives, it’s becoming easier and easier to take your browsing anywhere you go. Integrating geospatial data like maps directly into your mobile site can be a great boon for consumers, especially if. Some geospatial CMS software enables your site to offer location-specific information and deals to users. Adapting your interactions with consumers to their location adds a personalized touch to your brand that goes a long way. Starbucks has integrated this feature into their app, letting customers access deals and even place an order from their phones as soon as they walk into a store.  If you’re using Drupal as your CMS, Cartaro Geospatial CMS is an excellent way to add geospatial features into your site’s functionality.

Mobile Commerce: Sitefinity

As tablets and smartphones become more and more integrated into people’s daily lives, they want to do everything they can do on a desktop on these mobile devices, including online shopping. About 31% of online shopping traffic in the US happened on mobile devices in 2012, and a recent study shows that upwards of 72% of consumers expect companies to have mobile-friendly sites. But tradition browser e-commerce layouts tend to be cumbersome and clunky on mobile devices, which can discourage even the most loyal customers from making purchases on their phone- remember, you often have only seconds to load before your customers give up. Mobile CMS software can help you optimize the limited space and layout of your online shop to make shopping from a tablet or phone an enjoyable experience. Our pick for mobile commerce solution is Sitefinity, with mobile commerce tools integrated right into the CMS. Want to see some examples of great mobile commerce design? Finish off your tour of mobile CMS trends with this list of great mobile design patterns.

Want a software solution that can manage your website’s content? Check out our content management resource page to find blog posts, premium content and product reviews on the leading CMS software solutions. Ready to purchase? Download our free Top 10 CMS Software report and compare top products by pricing and key capabilities.

Ashley Dotterweich: Ashley Dotterweich is a former marketing team member who writes about tech industry trends and the software selection process. She was on the marketing team at from 2012-2014.